Nov 18, 2024 | 0 comments

Prosperity and Abundance

Colin Morris

Prosperity and abundance? I get it… In theory!

In reality, I battle daily to embrace this in my own life.

You’ve heard it before, all the old excuses about “when I was a child blah blah blah…” – BS!

My past experiences are unique to me alone. How I use these to shape my thinking, and my feeling, is what I am trying every day to learn to control.

Abundance and Prosperity are linked, and they are both often confused with financial wealth and acquiring of physical assets. But it is so much more than that! And it means something different for each of us but ultimately there is a common thread that comes to mind, such as family, friends, food, fun, fulfilment…
How I personally define Prosperity, for myself and my loved ones, is so important in giving me focus – providing the platform and springboard for what I do and how I do it.
For me, Abundance is evident everywhere. There is enough food on Earth for all of us. Enough Love for each and every one of us. There is sufficient healthcare for all who are sick. The list goes on. Quite simply, there is enough!

Why then? Why are so many of us lonely? Why do some go hungry? Why do babies die needlessly? Why do millions suffer from curable illnesses?

It is our dysfunctional relationship with Prosperity that influences our reality.
Because if I witness the Abundance all around us, and define my understanding of Prosperity correctly, then Trust should surface naturally.
It is lack of Trust, in ourselves, in our society, and in the ways of the world, which leads to the unsustainable hoarding and profiteering that is not in alignment with Abundance.
To me, Prosperity is the ability to attract my share of the Abundance I perceive, while focusing on what is important to me and serves the life I create for myself, those I care for, and those I encounter.

To be open to Prosperity in my own life, I must accept that there is abundance. And that it is available to every one of us.

I must cherish and be grateful for all that I have, and, particularly for me, I must overcome self-limiting thoughts – that is hard for me! Your ideas and experience of this subject will likely be different…?
To address my self-limiting habitual thinking requires the conscious process of adjusting my feelings and energy to allow my unconscious mind to encourage and embrace my new relationship with Prosperity.
We limit our access to abundance in two ways: through negative thinking and self-doubt, such as feelings of inadequacy or imposter syndrome that make us believe we are unworthy, and through the notion that desiring more than “just enough” is selfish, leading us to adopt selfless behaviour that denies our own needs.
Living in a fast-paced world filled with tasks and chores limits our ability to be present in the moment, where we can clear our minds and visualise what it is that we want – if we don’t set the path for ourselves, then we will be wandering aimlessly and not attracting the abundance we desire, and deserve.
It requires making decisions and taking action from a place of Love and Trust, and being open to the best outcome, even if its not exactly as we had envisioned it to be.

Supporting all of this is that value of Trust. 

There is a lot here and I will unpack it in the reflections that will follow. YQ helps people tap into their own unique tools, to embrace their past and build their best tomorrow.

I would love to hear from you! How do you define Prosperity for yourself and your loved ones? Do you feel like you Prosper and enjoy your share of the Abundance that is there for everyone?

Let’s build a conversation that can help others and ourselves.

Building on the notion of attracting abundance through being present and mindful, I highly recommend listening to Dr Joe Dispenza’s thoughts on the subject:


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