"United for success" ~ W.G.
Colin and I have been longstanding friends and colleagues, and I was discussing some of the challenges we faced as a business and he raised his work that he is doing at YQ.
We engaged a lot around what we would achieve from a process like YQ and it became clear that there were specific things that could be easily addressed with focus and support and a structured approach.
I decided to give it a go!
The team had a lot of apprehension ahead of the scheduled few days not knowing what to expect but quickly through Colin’s calm and deliberate process they realised it was a safe place to speak and voice their opinions.
The two days were thoroughly enjoyable with tough and robust conversations being had and difficult issues being raised and addressed. The format allowed us to list things that could be addressed immediately and others that would take time but could be tracked and feedback given.
Colins support through the process assisted me tremendously to have the courage to embark on this journey and his check-in’s with the team have been received very well.
We now hold each other accountable to what is committed to and even joke aloud when someone doesn’t – our favorite “What the F#$%” mantra is a quick reminder that we are all aligned to a common objective and brings the team focus back to that all the time.
If you are having challenges in your business or just need a step change in what you are doing – I recommend Colin and YQ to assist you achieve those.

" Enjoyable and thought-provoking" ~ J.S.
I have never known anyone with such a genuine ability to look at situations in a rational and clear way and then to extract the positive and diffuse the negative.
YQ is an extremely practical and effective approach to start you on a journey of introspection and selfcare, discovering useful insights and tools to help gain better control over your actions and reactions during life’s ups and downs, and moving you closer to living life on your own terms.
The weekly sessions were enjoyable and thought-provoking, at times a bit emotional, but also a really good laugh.
Highly recommended.

"Gave me perspective" ~ T. R.
I worked with Colin in the early stages of YQ when I really needed some balance in my professional and by default personal life. I had just been through a tough interview process, a lot of uncertainty in the workplace and a lot of pressure at home from family and friends – in hindsight, let me rephrase that: pressure I put on myself… I didn’t have that thing called ‘work life balance.’
The process and lessons taught me to use my breath, enjoy music and dark chocolate again, to pay it forward and it gave me a lot of perspective on what’s really important. Thank you, Colin, your timing was perfect as always! I highly recommend YQ.

"The penny dropped" ~ T. B.
I found the session with Colin very interesting and valuable. The “penny dropped” when I realised again that it is important to understand one’s strengths, weaknesses and to get a different perspective of yourself from others, especially the colleagues who you work with every day. What stood out for me was the way the YQ approach shows that everyone is unique and makes you think about your surroundings in terms of what you are putting out into the universe and what you are taking in.
Working with Colin is a pleasure and I believe that he can reach many people in such a positive way through the YQ way of thinking!

"Learnt to let go" ~ R. L.
The YQ session was mind blowing and an eye-opener.
I learnt to tap into some things that I didn’t realize about myself, surroundings and about others. The session with Colin allowed me to start viewing all that I put out and allow into my life (personal, work, and social space). I loved how he showed the “circle” of life regarding influences that I need to be more mindful and aware of. One of the best parts of the session held was learning to let go, not keeping “junk” and toxicity. I realized that I had created bad habits and that I can fix these.
I rate this session 11/10 and highly recommend it.

"From a place of love" ~ T.M.
The YQ session allowed me to integrate qualities/characteristics practiced in my personal life into my professional life. I identified with the discipline of “doing things from a place of love” as it taught me to be confident and to find meaning (purpose) in all my tasks, responsibilities, etc thus shifting focus away from worrying about things going wrong (the outcome).
It was a super session, and I recommend it to everyone looking to tap into strengths that could make them more effective both in their private and professional lives.