Mar 19, 2024 | 0 comments

Breaking free from loneliness

Colin Morris

A Journey of Courage and Connection

Hey there,

Let’s talk about something we might not always admit but feel deep down: loneliness. In a world where we’re more connected digitally, it’s ironic that so many of us feel isolated.

We can overcome this, and it starts with being in touch with how we feel; having the courage to step out from behind the walls of self-pity and a sense of failure.

Being lonely can make us feel heavy and paralysed. This can lead to despondency and then we are in danger of losing our sense of self-worth.

So where to begin?

Try getting in touch with how you are feeling. You may find journalling helpful or meditation. Then look at what you would like to have change. Identify a small goal that will pave the way towards making that change. Something simple, like greeting a stranger next time you are out and about.

Vulnerability is not weakness, it’s strength. Understanding this can fuel you with the courage to make the change you desire. It’s about daring to be real, reaching out, and realizing that we all need and deserve wonderful uplifting and supportive connections in our lives.

Think about those moments when you’re out. How often do you pass by someone and not say a word? Taking that small step to strike up a brief conversation, maybe just a friendly nod or a quick hello, can be the beginning of something more significant. As humans, we want to be seen and acknowledged by those around us. So, take the initiative and see and acknowledge others. A simple smile is returned without trouble. If the other person does not respond in a caring way, note that that’s on them and they may be in a darker place than you.

And what about those times when life takes an unexpected turn, and suddenly, our world feels smaller? Losing a loved one or a life partner can be devastating, and it’s important to feel that loss and all that it entails. But instead of retreating further, reaching out for connection can be pivotal in terms of moving past the pain to a place of peace.

It might mean stepping into new social circles, attending events, or joining support groups. Sure, it can feel uncomfortable, but small, intentional actions like greeting a neighbour or attending a local event can be the step that helps you make new connections and build great relationships for the kind of life you are creating for yourself.

Recognizing the past for what it is and having the courage to step out from behind our own veil of self-pity and perceived failure is crucial. Loneliness is not a life sentence, and we have the power to forge the life we want to live.

It’s about being real, reaching out, and realizing that, hey, I have as much to offer as I have to gain from new connections.

You’ve got this! #moreyou #YQ
And if it seems overwhelming, reach out to schedule some time with me.


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