Jul 11, 2023 | 1 comment

A conversation: Change vs Create

Colin Morris

July is the month in which the world celebrates Madiba Day. In this month we are reminded of this man’s leadership and fine example.  One of his standout quotes is: 

It always seems impossible until it is done.

“Until WHAT is done?” chirps Ed from over my shoulder.

“Essentially, change.”

“But so many people wish for change and get absolutely nowhere,” observes Ed.

“You’re right, and the answer is simple: don’t wish to change anything! Especially that which we cannot change.  I say this because it’s a complete waste of time and energy!

What’s the use of wishing you were taller, for example. There is nothing you can do about it. Letting your thoughts centre on this is of absolutely no benefit to you. It is simply beyond your control. Accept your height and move on.

The YQ practice challenges you to be grateful and to use who and what you are to secure your best life. Redirect your thoughts from “change” to “create”.  Spend time thinking about what you would rather have.  A more fulfilling career? A loving partner who is taller than you? A happy day, every day?  Whatever it is you want, think about it with laser intent and work towards achieving it.

 “So, for all that we put Madiba on a pedestal, you are saying that anyone can do this?” asks Ed.

 “Absolutely! You, me, and Madiba are essentially humans, just a mush of different types and densities of organic matter. By getting our neurons firing with the necessary emphasis that best serve our best selves, we can overcome whatever seems impossible.”  

“Are you saying that instead of draining our energy with negative thoughts, let’s focus on being grateful for who we are and using that to create our best life?”

“Yes Ed, remembering always, as Madiba once said, “…use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right.”

“And what better place to start doing right than in your own life,” chirps the ever- perceptive Ed, “Perhaps investing 67minutes in the YQ Practice is the first step.”

How ever you choose to spend Madiba Day, take care, and be blessed,


1 Comment

  1. Vanessa

    Thanks Colin and Ed!


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