Stop Letting Fear Call the Shots and Start Living Your Best Life
Did you know that September is the month with the most birthdays? In the Northern Hemisphere, it’s known as “Harvest Month”. For many, birthdays are a time for reflection, often summed up in the question: “Am I living my best life?” It’s also a good month to review progress in terms of tracking your goals or completing the list of life experiences that you may have planned for the year.
Some of us feel satisfied with where we are, but others have that little nagging voice whispering, “Things could be better.” If you’re in the latter group, it’s your cue for change. And let’s be honest, change can be scary. You might find yourself with a dry mouth, and a heart gripped by fear, preventing you from taking those first steps toward something new. It might be a new job, leaving a toxic relationship, or even seeking help from a coach, friend or psychologist.
Here’s the thing: making a bold move is your best shot at living a life that truly serves you. But letting fear paralyse you will keep you stuck, far from your best life, shared with our loved ones.
Fear is sneaky. It can feel all-powerful, but whatever you’re afraid of only has the power you give it. It’s not the fear that controls you; it’s how you think about it and how you respond to it and the feeling you attach to it. Every time you hold back, you give fear more strength.
Fear doesn’t stand a chance against a strong mindset that builds a feeling of excitement at the thought of acting and the resultant chance of creating something new. Then add some faith and a dash of courage. Faith is believing that you’re strong enough to get through whatever comes your way. Courage is taking that first step, even when it’s uncomfortable, and sticking to a path towards your better life. It’s not about pretending the risks aren’t real—sometimes things won’t turn out exactly as planned. But the outcome could be better than might have imagined. Here, I speak from personal experience, and I’ll share a story or two sometime soon.
Stagnating due to fear will sprout regret. Don’t let your life be a series of “What ifs” and “If onlys.” If you don’t have anything new that has been created or that you are creating then there can be no harvest. All that is left is regret and more recognition of the negative feelings that fuel fear within.
If fear has been holding you back, remember you don’t have to face it alone. In our sessions I provide you with ideas and guide you to find your own tools to convert fear and procrastination into excitement and action so that you get to live your life, filled with meaning, grit, gratitude, and love. Don’t let fear steal your chance at the life you deserve. Reach out, and let’s start this journey together.
And to those of you who celebrated a birthday this month, Happy Birthday! I hope you give yourself the best gift of all—a life that’s truly lived, with a lot more YOU in it. Embrace your journey with faith, courage, and strong YQ. Here’s to conquering fear and stepping into your best life and reaping the rewards!