Dec 7, 2023 | 1 comment

Flip the script this Christmas!

Colin Morris

Cherish time spent together.

What is it about Christmas that turns folks into stressed-out zombies?! It is as though everyone is competing for a year-end holiday Olympics gold medal, but with tinsel!

Ed, who, astute as ever, says that Christmas Stress is like a Secret Santa nobody asked for!

Today the tree has got to be Insta-worthy, the presents need to be next-level, and the meals should make Gordon Ramsey bow down in utter awe.
Finding the ideal gift has become a quest that could give the next Indiana Jones movie a run for its money. Add in mall madness, slow online deliveries, and tight budgets, and you have a recipe for full-blown burnout!
Then there is the social scene. Everyone suddenly throws a shindig, and the community calendar is clogged with not-to-be-missed activities, each one said to be better than the last!
In the build-up to all of this, work does not slow down. It speeds up with pressure to meet deadlines before the annual shutdown.
And do not forget the avalanche of rellies, especially those who descend like snow on a reindeer if you happen to live in a home by the sea!
In between Uncle Bob’s conspiracy theories, Aunt Sue’s nosy questions, and Cousin Tim’s gluten intolerance, you might be lucky enough to find yourself never mind the people who matter the most to you.
We all have a nagging feeling that we are falling short of the mark. Where is the real meaning of Christmas? How do we find it?

How about flipping the script?

Just say no. Clear your schedule, ditch the never-ending to-do lists, and embrace the simple joys of the holidays. Be selective with whom you spend time with and encourage spontaneous activities like baking, going to the beach, and decorating the tree. Let go of the picture in your head about how it should be and just go with the flow. By doing so you could well unlock laughter, joy, and true connection – the very basis of memories that will last so much longer than that insanely expensive gift or the delicious tastes of a carefully curated charcuterie board.

Consciously commit to cherishing the ones you hold dear this Christmas. Soak in the moments you spend with the ones you love most in the world. In the words of Helen Keller: “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched—they must be felt with the heart.”
And if you find this an impossible concept then it may well be time to give yourself a gift. Connect online with Coach Colin for a chat and see how you can make YQ work for you.

1 Comment

  1. Vanessa

    Wise words, as always.


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